This can be a long list. Lack of sleep can come from pressure points, tossing and turning, pain, a sleep disorder, health reasons, medical problems, your partners discomfort, or their health reasons.
Do you have a lot of stress in your life? If so then the easiest way to work on stress relief is with a good exercise program and by learning how to relax and quiet your mind. Maybe a good massage will help you once a week. I found for me I learned how to meditate and I switched to a better mattress.
\"sleep Well\"
Do you know what pressure points are? Not the kind martial artists use to knock out their opponents, but the kind that will keep you awake at night? This is when your hips or shoulders become painful because the coils and springs in a normal mattress push up towards the hips or shoulders. A good mattress will relieve you of this.
What is the Best Mattress for a better sleep?
Well before I get to that I think you need to know that I am no expert when it comes to anything, not mattresses, not what causes your lack of sleep. You really need to see a doctor if this has been chronic for any length of time at all. Now onto the mattress, there is a new mattress out now that has been through some pretty amazing results. Some of these tests have been with people that have severe burns and have been bed ridden for years. This is the only mattress that relieves them of the pain caused by pressure points. And the reason for this is in the design of the mattress. To see the mattress check Edmonton's best mattress.
Meditation for a better sleep
What worked best for me was simply meditating every evening before going to bed. Now I don't mean you have to meditate like a monk, but rather just quiet the mind enough for you to relax. The easiest way to do this is to count backwards from 100-1 for 10 days. Then 50-1 for 10 days, then 25-1 for 10 days and finally 10-1 from that point forward. You might think this is crazy but this is a simple form of meditation that worked for me. At the end of each count down you will tell yourself that you will have a good night sleep and wake up in the morning refreshed and feeling great.
Another method is when you are ready to sleep you imagine in your minds eye that you are standing in front of a chalk board. Draw a circle on the board and place the number 100 in the circle in large numbers touching the edges where you can. Now place in the circle in large letters also touching the circle the word sleep. Now erase the word sleep and the number 100 without erasing the edge of the circle. Now outside of the circle write the word deeper. Now do this all over again. Most nights I can not get past 98, and I have never made it past 85.
The meditation will help you relax and the countdown will help you fall asleep faster.
What Causes Lack Of Sleep
Need a better sleep get your free report 'how to get a good night's sleep' from Edmonton Mattress
Kelly Kramer owns a plumbing company and buy and sells real estate, if you liked this article you can learn more at
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