2012 Will Be A Systemic Solar Pralaya?

So I was reading through this book.. (amazing) and I came upon this quote which I think demands of us further inquiry into the nature of 2012:

"Man, the indwelling thinker, passes at night from out of his etheric ring-pass-not (event horizon) and functions elsewhere. Therefore, under the law, the planetary Logos likewise can pass His ring-pass-not at stated seasons which correspond in the planet to hours of man's temporary repose, or pralaya (2012)." Treatise On Cosmic Fire pg. 111


So then, this event which will occur on a planetary level at the end of this age, is akin to the event which occurs at the end of a day on the human level.. One gathers one's thoughts, ends the day, and begins to process their subconscious in dreamstate to extract meaning and knowledge for the next day.

At Pralaya the planet (likely all the Souls within it also) will be sucked into abstraction, out of the "pilot seat" of the Etheric/physical body, and into the abstract space of mind, in the same way as a person is sucked out of their body and into dreamstate when they fall asleep; the difference being that this will be not the plane of human mind but the plane of Cosmic Mind, where the relationship between human beings will be similar to the relationship between dream characters in one's dream. (except we will be Conscious... though I can't say about those who aren't generating a "Merkaba" electromagnetic field, but I know that those who are will be Conscious and retain their memory)

What will be the result of this thinking? Well... we know that life so far has been characterized by 4 kingdoms- mineral, vegetable, animal, and human.. according to Theosophical Principles (which I adhere to mostly and strongly support) after this Pralaya will come the emergence of a fifth kingdom of life - the Superhuman..

So it's obvious that a new Kingdom of Humanity awaits, founded on Spiritual principles, and a large swath if not all of the population will be Superhuman..

This means that there is something in this Pralaya that is going to cause us to absorb new Cosmic Radiances, and use them to create an entirely new etheric shell... to correspond with our change in Consciousness from 4th to 5th.. it's likely the transformation could be just as significant as the change from animal to human or vegetable to animal... what this ACTUALLY means in practical terms for us in the next few years is anybody's guess... all we can go on is our own Transformation and the reliable insight of others who we trust to tell us the Truth about their own transformations and realizations..

What will become of those who are not ready for the next Kingdom of Evolution? I have no idea... perhaps there will be wars, famine, floods and earthquakes that will wipe out everybody who is not ready... perhaps not. Perhaps that there will be a choice for them to come with us, or to not, and if they choose their selfish egoistic pursuits over Love & Brotherhood, to be taken to another world like an Earth replica (A La "A Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy) where they will be left amongst themselves to work out their karma, (in a new environment free of wars and techno-lust hopefully). Perhaps that they will all be wiped of their memory and distributed throughout the Cosmos? I don't know what is going to happen with this huge swath of billions of humans who are not ready to hold the energy of a New Earth.

What we can gather however is that after this Pralaya occurs the Earth will probably wake up as we wake up, on a New Day, a New Planet, with the axis slightly adjusted, some geological changes likely to occur (The Enochian material mentions that the Earth will be flat again as in Lemurian times, [flat as in no mountains, not as in 2 dimensional]) and a large section of humanity likely to be missing, cast off into some parallel dimension..I remember Yeshua saying once about how we'd all wake up on a place on the Earth that matched our highest desire, (he said most of us would probly wind up on a beach somewhere). How wonderful would it be? A Planetary reset button.. we would be able to restart from the ground up in the best way possible.. with Souls who care for the Earth.. Truly that would be a cause for rejoicing.

2012 Will Be A Systemic Solar Pralaya?

The author of this article is James Portocarrero from http://www.alchemymeditations.com - Alchemy Meditations is a direct way of experiencing the Transcendental Spiritual Energy of Meditation, evolving your Consciousness, and changing your life directly through special guided Shaktipat Meditations.. You can check out his YouTube channel also at [http://www.youtube.com/ShaktipatSeer]

James can be contacted @: ShaktipatSeer@gmail.com

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